5 Reasons Your Business Needs an E-commerce Website

Sell a product or service? Then you need an e-commerce site — simple as that. Neglecting to launch your own e-commerce site means you’re missing out on your fair share of online spending which, in Canada, is expected to reach up to $108 billion by 2023. Nowadays, whether you run a restaurant, retail store, or provide a service, not having your own e-commerce website means you’re leaving money on the table and losing business to competitors that do.

This is especially true in this post-2020 world, where much of the world’s shopping has moved online in an effort to adapt to current circumstances. Still not convinced? Check out our top 5 reasons your business needs an e-commerce website.

Create a New Revenue Stream

By far the most obvious reason your business needs an e-commerce website is the additional revenue stream selling your product or service online offers you. The reasoning behind this is simple, the more places you sell your products or services, the more opportunity you have to make a sale. With online shopping becoming the go-to among people of all ages, launching an e-commerce site is essential if you want to remain competitive.

Sell Your Products or Services 24/7

One of the best parts about owning an e-commerce site is that it allows you to sell your products or services round the clock. What’s more, unlike conventional retail locations, an e-commerce site won’t cost you a dime in terms of staffing costs, rent, or utilities. All you have to do is pay to have it built and for hosting and customers will be able to browse your products at their convenience. This means you’ll be able to make a sale no matter the time of day and is as close as you can get to being open 24/7 without actually being open. Talk about efficiency!

Save Time and Improve Efficiency

While we’re on the topic of efficiency, another reason your business needs an e-commerce site is that it speeds up business operations. Even if you don’t intend on shipping your products to your customers or can’t provide your services online, giving customers a place to get the information they need when they need it undoubtedly improves business efficiency.

Doing their research before visiting your store or calling you means potential customers are more informed, increasing the likelihood of them converting into paying customers. This also means they’ll have fewer questions to ask and you or your employees won’t have to work as hard to make the sale, improving efficiency all around.

Offer Customers More Convenience

Continuing on from the last point, an e-commerce site not only allows potential customers to look up your products or services, but it also allows them to check important information like your opening hours, address, and phone number. This is especially important if you offer a service or can’t/don’t ship your products to customers. Furthermore, it makes it easier for customers who’d rather purchase in-store to find and reach out to you. This, of course, is in addition to the added convenience customers are offered by being able to shop online from anywhere.

Sell Around the World

Taking your business online gives you access to a global marketplace and frees you of restrictions like location, space, and opening hours associated with retail stores. Whether you intend to sell your products or service internationally or just within the province or city, an e-commerce site gives you an unrivaled opportunity to explore wider markets and create new income opportunities.

Launch Your E-Commerce Website Today

Ready to launch your very own e-commerce website and take advantage of all the benefits that come with it? Connect with Begin with B today and we’ll set you up with a fully customizable e-commerce solution tailor-made to your business needs.


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